United States
Ellen Cutter
“Moonlit Solitude”
My theme was "Moonlit Solitude" and I interpreted it very literally with my woman in the moonlight. My challenge to myself here was in fabricating and putting together not just a central pendant, but also complementary pieces. I did miscalculate a bit on the phases of the moon trio on the side - I wired them with the moon's attitude in a horizontal row. But of course a necklace doesn't lay on the body that way so they are rotated to the side more than I had anticipated rather than the up and down attitude that we actually see the moon. But I'll remember to take that into consideration in the future.
There are other mistakes: a few nicks in the frames, connection rings on the back that slid a bit while soldering, etc. But overall I am pleased with how it turned out. I wish I could properly photograph the intensity of the background colors, they really are more vibrant than I can show you.