The Enamel ART Jam is free to all but does cost money to run. Donations are appreciated but not required!

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Etsy: SandraMcEwenJewelry
Enamel ART Jam -2024
This year’s JAM is over, but if you’d like to participate in the next one, go here:
What Is This?
It’s an annual exhibition of enamel art! It is open to all enamel artists around the world and free to participate in.
As an artist, you can join the jam and over a few months create a unique piece in the spirit of the chosen theme. At the end, final entries into the jam are collected into a gallery so everyone’s work can be enjoyed.
Basically, it’s a way to have fun making art with other like-minded individuals.
Are There Winners Or Prizes?
Yes and no! Everyone who completes the challenge and submits photos of their work is a winner! Although there won’t be any official “First place, Second place” designations, several pieces might get chosen for special recognition. No prizes beyond the satisfaction of taking part in the Jam and challenging yourself to grow as an artist.
Does It Cost Anything To Participate?
No! It is totally free and open to anyone.
Do I Have To Use Enamels?
Yes, you have to use vitreous (hot) enamels as your medium. It doesn’t have to be jewelry, it can be anything with enamel on it. You can use as little or as much enamel as you want.
The goal is to have fun and stretch yourself as an artist. How you do that is up to you.
When Does It Take Place?
This year, the jam starts on August 1st, 2024 and runs until November 1st, 2024. This year’s JAM is over, but we’ll do another one next year! To be notified about the next JAM, click here.
Is There A Theme?
There is! This year (2024) the inspiration will be poetry. When you sign up for the Jam, you will be assigned a poet. You can research that poet and choose a poem of theirs that speaks to you and sparks your creativity.
How you interpret the poem and what design it leads you to is completely up to you!
If it happens that you are assigned a poet that you don’t like, or have someone in mind that you’d rather use instead, that’s fine. We give you a suggestion to get you started but ultimately you choose what’s right for you and your style.
OK, I’m Interested. How Do I Sign Up?
Great! Head over to the SIGN UP PAGE and enter your information. Before the jam kicks off we will be in touch at the email address you provide to guide you through the process of getting started with your assigned poet.
History & Origins
How did the Enamel ART JAM begin?
My name is Sandra McEwen and I have been enameling for over 17 years and I’ve always loved challenges. Every year or so, my good friend and fellow enamel artist Lillian Jones and I would conspire to create an enamel challenge. Sometimes it was specific to entering an enameling competition and at other times it was merely to get us out of whatever creative funk we found ourselves in.
We weren’t competing against each other, but there was some friendly rivalry! We would commit to creating a design with a certain theme, create a deadline for completion, and then touch base periodically to see how we were doing. The goal wasn’t really to win prizes, although we have each won Saul Bell Awards. The real goal was to push the boundaries of our knowledge and enameling skills. To try something new or just explore a different aspect of our craft.
With all the happenings in the world right now, it’s been a difficult couple of years for many people. I thought it would be fun to do a new enamel art challenge, but this time invite any enamel artist, regardless of location or skill level, to participate.
And so the Enamel ART Jam was born.
Back in November of 2021, I invited as many artists as to join the challenge. I didn’t want to just pick a single theme, so I choose a list of 14 words, and randomly choose two words for each artist. Over the course of several months, we met for Zoom sessions and shared our progress.
The archives of exhibitions are the culmination of all our collective efforts over the years! I hope you enjoy this multi-national love fest of enamel! I’m so proud to have been able to be a part of this challenge, and hope to do another one again in the future.
Happy Jamming!