Magda Sá


“ Equilibrium Galaxies “

"I took inspiration from a beautiful spiral galaxy image, take by Hubble telescope: M101. Quoting Carl Sagan:

""The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.""

The same shapes that apply to the infinitely big also exist in the infinitely small and the human scale. So is the case of the spiral. I wanted to practise cloisonne, so I took a picture of a camelia, whose petals are also arranged in a spiral form. The camelia is a popular flower in my part of the Universe: Porto. All the way from Japan, back when the world was bigger (or just appeared to be), they are everywhere in the city and have gained the right to their own exhibition/competition in town. This camelia is also made from start stuff. And my piece is made with japanese enamels.

I set myself for several technical challenges: complicated drawing, very detailed and small wire work (the diameter of the drawing is only 3,5 cm), color (reds and pinks) and make the connection between the galaxy and the camelia. I prioritised: the wire work is almost exactly what I planned, as is the drawing and the colors are also almost what I expected. I did have to drop the galaxy drawing, as everything was starting to get too complicated. It was my equilibrium and I am very pleased with it. It's not perfect, but a little closer to perfection."