Lillian Jones


“Divine Destiny”

Starting with the topic, I consulted Chat gpt and bing, to kick around some ideas. Nothing stuck, but was a really interesting place to go for that phase. Once it occurred to me to use ‘divine’ as a verb, then the meaning of the phrase became more accessible, as matching with a pre-existing bucket list project to do enamel Tarot cards (to divine destiny).

I had given up, but at the last minute sketched out some illustration lines, shrank it all down, and made a base. Without much hope of completion, I picked away at it, with wires (thinner better), transferring using a grid (hey, worked great) and color studies with a Very Limited Palette. (Who knew…).

Surprising myself it all came together easily. I guess I learned not to overthink it, follow your joy. I also tried p-1 and enamel paints for the first time, which are promising, and shading with fines. All new to me.