Teresa Alton Borgelin
“Hidden Traveler”
Things doesn’t always go the way you plan. My original idea and plan had to be altered due to certain circumstances. The process therefore took a different turn. This forced me to work quite fast and practice to be open for new solutions and letting go of a more complex idea. I also needed to practice to use a torch instead of an oven to do the enamelling. So things didn’t turn out exactly how I planned but I am happy I made something.
My theme was ”hidden traveller”. In the end I decided to make a necklace, a piece of jewellery which easily could be worn and travel with the body wearing it to different places, as a traveller companion. A pendant could easily be shown and revealed to a viewer but also placed close to the body hidden under a garment and this way only the wearer would know of its existence. A hidden traveller. Hidden on the backside of the pendant is also a heart which makes it possible to get a glimpse of the black enamel.
I used a torch to do my enamel piece which was also a challenge, but it worked quite well in the end. By using the torch instead of an oven I got to practice and learn how to use the torch, a technique which I feel can be quite tricky if you don´t have so much experience. Making the pendant also gave me the opportunity to learn and try out a different way to place the enamel pendant in a silver setting. What I like about working with enamels are the transformations that happens both when you melt the enamel and to see how the color changes when it cools down. It is an exciting process which I enjoy and will continue to explore.