Smriti Sangal
“Eternal Secrets”
When I read the topic Eternal Secrets, I was excited as it connected with my personal art practice and gave me a chance to delve further into concepts of infinity, secret connections,
cycles, never ending loops and patterns. After giving it some thought, my mind drifted towards a topic that I’m currently obsessed with: Mental Health and how our inner thoughts
and patterns shape our outer reality. I started drawing on a piece of paper, scribbling really, and came up with minds disguised as mushrooms growing in a forest of emotions. It’s in our
mind that we store infinite thoughts kept as secrets, sometimes for a duration that almost feels like eternity.
I was initially planning on working on a flat surface, but going through the copper pieces I had, I found this shallow 4.5” dia disc to work on. The curved surface added to the thought
behind the work with a feeling to make the viewer want to take a walk inside the Forest of Emotions and feel like there is a journey to be walked on, to free themselves of these
eternal secrets. As I wanted certain shapes to be well defined, decided to work with cloisonné technique. I was a little nervous as I don’t have a lot of experience working with cloisonné on a 3d surface. As my impatience would have it, in trying to move onto the next step faster, I rushed the piece a little bit and ended up with flattened pieces of wire stuck on the enamel, some of which I had to pull out, some stoned and some just left as it is. Sending the image of how it looks as of now, but I intend to work on it a little more
eventually to feel satisfied by making it reach its full potential.