Sandy Koepf

United States

“ Shadowy Wilderness “

"I normally work in jewelry, but for this project I wanted to do an art piece with enamel tiles. My piece is four 2X2 18g copper gauge squares. I am not a good drawer or painter so my piece is more conceptual than realistic. I typically work in opaque enamel, but for this project I pushed myself to use other forms

of enamel. Once countered, I started off with liquid form base coat enamel ( of my favorite surface enamels) to create a metallic surface to then build color over with both opaque and transparent enamels in both liquid and dry form. I also texturized the copper surface to add detail and used both embeddables and sgraffito to create some dimension. This project pushed me to work outside of my normal technic and forced me to experiment to create something totally different. One of the things I learned or liked most about my project is the black graffito shapes which represent shadows."