Kathleen Boyd

United States

“ Reflective Symetry “

"About the Process:

Inspiration for my work comes from the peace and symmetry I find in my garden. I wanted to illustrate the vibrancy and beauty of our natural surroundings. The reflective pattern under the flowers are sage leaves imprinted into metal clay and the Dahlias are the highlight of my garden.

I found many parts of this Art Jam challenging, but that's why I signed up. I entered without ever having completed a Cloisonné piece and I had only dabbled a little in Champlevé. The initial design was to have a fused base and then inlay foil for texture. That didn't quite work as planned so I pivoted to a metal clay base with an imprinted texture. I limited my color palette

to the few tiles I have complete, allowing me to better predict the reaction. The experience of watching the dark and murky enamel emerge from the kiln and slowly cool to a bright and sparkling final color is addicting and one I can't wait to repeat."