Jennifer Walterscheid

United States

“ Reverie Melancholy “

"I created two pieces for the enamel art jam because with enamel, you never know if the piece will make it to the finish line. It seems as if each piece has a hidden expiration date, and you don’t know it until you reach it. But I finished both pieces with no disasters.

The biggest challenge for me was to interpret the assigned theme in my pieces. The process of finding a design interpretation was agonizing and slow. I looked up the definition of reverie melancholy and interpreted the words into something I could relate to which was sad daydreaming or meditation. Sad meditation.

The first piece is a 3D vessel that started life as a copper dish in the 1960s. It has been reborn as a cloisonne mandala in greys and blues. Creating mandalas with cloisonne wire is a contemplative exercise and meditation of mind which I find peaceful and comforting. The silver foil mosaic around the edge invites the viewer to look down into the center and the mandala.

The second piece was a stretch for me in design. My work is generally very detailed, and the spaces are filled with lines from the cloisonne wire. This piece features open spaces with paths, like thoughts, moving through the rich, dark background."

instagram @jenniferwalterscheid