Dawn Lombard

United States

“ Radiant Enigma “

"Oh boy, let me tell you a little story that just made my day! So, picture this: there I was, sitting at my workbench, feeling like a mad scientist ready to conquer the world of jewelry-making. I had this brilliant idea of tube setting gemstones on my latest creation, but there was a tiny problem. You see, my masterpiece had this delicate acrylic frame surrounding the vibrant enamel work, and I didn't want to accidentally wreck it. Cue the dramatic hesitation!

But you know what they say, fortune favors the bold! So, I decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a go. After all, what's life without a little adventure and some risk-taking? Armed with determination and a touch of nerves, I delicately placed those precious gemstones in their little metal tubes, praying to the jewelry gods for a stroke of beginner's luck.

And oh my gosh, guess what happened next? It worked! It actually worked! I couldn't contain my excitement as I witnessed those sparkling gems snuggly nestled in their little metal homes, perfectly complementing my enamel masterpiece. Talk about a proud moment! I might have done a little happy dance right there in my workshop (don't worry, nobody saw...I think).

So, here's a big, playful thank you for throwing that challenge my way! It pushed me out of my comfort zone, made me take a leap of faith, and boy, was it worth it. Who knows what other daring adventures await me in the world of jewelry-making? One thing's for sure, though: I'm ready to tackle them head-on with a sparkle in my eye and a sense of playful curiosity in my heart. Cheers to pushing boundaries and embracing the unknown!"
