Ana Lucia Ramalho


“Phoenix Twilight”

My enamelling trip has been a happy and challenging one and I have had the good fortune of having met Sandra McEwen on the way (personally and online). I thought of making this piece in cloisonne, but the theme appealed to me in a way that was more adequate to the enamel miniature technique on copper, that I learned last year. This illustration has been with me since my mother was alive and it's my way of keeping her memory present. I painted it in several variations in watercolor, ceramics, and silk. Always much bigger. I challenged myself miniaturising it (it's only 4,5 cm tall), using overglazes that my mother (always my mother...) left me and that work for the enamel miniature technique. And, like a phoenix, came this fairy-like creature to be a part of my enamelling journey.
