Welcome to Enamel Art Jam 2022!
Welcome to the the first Annual Enamel Art Jam. The purpose of this event is to bring together enamel artists from all over the world and celebrate the talent and creativity of this special community. Enamel artists all over the world were welcome to participate. Back in November 2021, each artist who signed up received a unique two word theme which they could interpret in any way they liked. They had four months to complete their project -the only rule being that the final submitted work of art featured Vitreous Enamel. There are no prizes, just the satisfaction of creating something meaningful and pushing the boundaries of their own work.
Enamel artists from 13 countries from around the world participated in the challenge!
List of 2022 Participating Artists
Jeanne | Abriel | United States | Veiled Celebration |
Paula | Beckett | United States | Defiant Solitude |
Paulette | Bennett | United States | Quiet Shadows |
Jen | Blyth | United States | Magnificent Celebration |
Teresa Alton | Borgelin | Sweden | Hidden Traveler |
Laura | Bracken | USA | Celestial Transitions |
Gretchen | Burnham | United States | Moonlit Sanctuary |
Linda | Connelly | United Kingdom | Defiant Celebration |
Marilyn | Cook | United States | Celestial Celebration |
Charlene | Cross | United States | Moonlit Tendrils |
Ellen | Cutter | United States | Moonlit Solitude |
Pamela | De los Ángeles Rojas Letelier | Chile | Harmonious Garden |
Trish | Dehls | United States | Magnificant Pandemonium |
Cristina | del valle Gómez | Argentina | Joyous Secret |
Rebecca | Di Filippo | Italy | Moonlit Pandemonium |
Lisa | Farley | Australia | Thunderous Traveler |
Ann | Folk | United States | Eternal Solitude |
Pam | Freese | United States | Magnificent Shadows |
Barbara | Frost | United States | Joyous Garden |
Seronia | Harris Everett | United States | Thunderous Shadows |
Andrea | Hernandez Sacaan | Chile | Eternal Celebration |
Tania | Hogg | New Zealand | Veiled Shadows |
Barbara | Hopkins | United States | Moonlit Traveler |
Sudha | Janardhanam | Canada | Defiant Traveler |
Lillian | Jones | United States | Strange Shadows |
Ana | Kevlishvili | Georgia | Thunderous Garden |
Leslie | Litt | United States | Strange Circus |
Alisa | Looney | United States | Hidden Carnival |
Sandra | McEwen | United States | Subterranean Garden |
Betty | McKim | United States | Hidden Pandemonium |
Robin | Meyer | United States | Hidden Secret |
Sarah | Miller | United States | Strange Creature |
Barbara | Minor | United States | Veiled Secret |
Ruchi | Mital | India | Eternal Shadows |
Christine | Moquet | France | Strange Celebration |
Magda | Sa | Portugal | Hidden Labyrinth |
Ritu | Sangal | India | Vivid Shadow |
Smriti | Sangal | India | Eternal Secrets |
Jo Dean | Sarins | United States | Hidden Journey |
Gina | Shear | Canada | Celestial Garden |
Carolina | Strauch (Schialer) | Germany | Hidden Tendrils |
Nino | Tsalkalamanidze | Georgia | Thunderous Pandemonium |
Jennifer | Wells | United States/Italy | Subterranean Celebration |
Trish | White | United States | Strange Solitude |
Christine | Yelle | Canada | Magnificent Traveler |