United States

Trish White

Strange Tranquility”

Materials: Copper, Sunshine Enamels, Vitreous Enamel, Glass Martini Glass, Resin, dye, Swarovski crystals, metal charm, faux fruit
Back of Piece: is a mirror image of the front

Interpretation of the theme

I am not an artist who goes into a deep interpretation of what I create. I am

pretty black and white as to what effects my designs. When I was given this theme, I wanted to have fun with it.  Tranquility and or Meditation is a personal and deep experience that can be religious or just an easing of the mind from daily life.

We all have those moments, so I asked myself, “what eases your mind and puts a smile on your face?”

After a long day of work with horses and students, I like to hit the pub and wait for that pink Cosmo with a green lime come into my vision. No, my waiter is not in black boxers, but a girl can dream, close her eyes to the world around her and sip her tranquil elixir.

What did I learn from this project?

I was definitely scared to death to use “painting enamels” because they fire at a lower degree. I had spent so much time carefully sawing and preparing the main body that I knew it could all blow up in a single firing. Both sides of the man had to be enameled to present a mirror image.  I reached out to my dear friend, Mary Chuduk to get some tips and prayed to the kiln gods every time the piece went into the heat.

 Once the enameling was accomplished I turned to using resin for the first time and mixing up the correct pink for the Cosmo. Mission accomplished! I dangled the man with 3rd hands into the glass, and slowly poured the resin into the glass – used a dryer to release the bubbles and let the piece sit for 24 hours.  

The project was meant to be because I even found a charm of a pink Cosmo to be chemically bonded to the rhinestone tray and a faux lime for the glass. Voila!



Leslie Litt


Sarah Miller