Sudha Janardhanam
“Defiant Traveler”
My assigned theme is "Defiant Traveler" - after moments of panic I decided that I was the "Defiant Traveler" - Travelled all over, lived in Honolulu, Hawaii and now in beautiful Montreal, Canada - this was against my family and friends wishes but I am happy I did this - so many struggles at the beginning but just had to cope with all the roadblocks, so this is a sort of my self portrait (in enamel)............
This is my first intro to leaded Enamels - I was worried at the beginning but I saw the beautiful colors - the lovely Pinks, Reds and Purples. So many challenges faced when I made this necklace - had to take care of a lot of bubbles. This was also my first time using eutectic solder, making my own and bending cloisonné wires. This was a great learning experience and my go to help are the Vimeo classes from Sandra McEwen. I am also finding out that enameling is such a fine skill and takes a lot of years and practice to master this process. I combine my skills and design from the East and create Jewelry that my customers can wear with the Western style clothes. I hope to continue Enamelling.