United Kingdom

Linda Connelly

“Defiant Celebration”

I made this piece of a Sunflower which I sold with the #support for Ukraine I had struggled with inspiration for the topic but I thought this fitted the title perfectly. The piece was designed on the iPad using photos for inspiration and then I printed it off the size I required. I traced it and then formed the wires. I have always had a problem with shading yellows and have often found they are a problem but I took the opportunity to try some really old ones that I bought a few years ago as end of lines from Milton Bridge. I loved the Strong Amber that came in the form of lump enamel. I shaded it with the R0192 Gold that is another Milton Bridge enamel. I was really pleased with the result and the challenge made me get around to trying out a few enamels on the shelf I hadn’t tried before.




Seronia Harris Everett